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Autism Linked to Vaccine

In an August 16, 1999 issue of USA Today comes an article that suggests a possible link of Autism with the large number of vaccines given to children in the United States. The numbers are staggering. In the 1992 – 1993 year alone the US Department of Education reported an increase of 173% in reported children with Autism. In California, an increase of 273% was reported in the last decade.

A scientist by the name of Rimland, a research psychologist states that the increase in autism is due to "the overuse of vaccines." The article goes on to site several cases of children who developed problems and were diagnoses with autism shortly after vaccinations.

Probably the most chilling aspect of the article was the statement that said, "No U.S. have been done on the effects of combined vaccines." This lack of science alone should make most parents seek out further information on this potentially dangerous procedure. One web site recommended is the National Vaccine Information Center, at